Jordan Barrant

Writer. Curator. Artist.

Jordan Barrant (she/they) is a student of life. She is currently interested in land based and intuitive practices, particularly ones previously relinquished to the periphery of Black American and Caribbean culture. Those practices include but are not limited to the art practices of the self taught and intuitive, the medicinal practices of root workers and conjurers, the spiritual practices of Obeah and Vodun, and the life and practices of queer individuals.

Her academic learning has taken place at Spelman College in the Women’s Studies and Art History Department and at School of the Art Institute of Chicago in the Visual and Critical Studies department.  Other institutional experiences have taken place with the Jamaica Art Society, the HBCU Alliance of Museums and Galleries, The Studio Museum in Harlem, and The California African American Museum among others. She has participated in an Artpace San Antonio Curatorial Residency and a fellowship with the Pulitzer Center. Her writing has been published in the Burnaway, the Chicago Reader, the Boston Art Review and the Black Embodiments Studio: A Year in Black Art. 

Outside of institutions she has and continues to learn and research through oral histories, archives, books, plants, friends and a devotion to magic of Mother Universe. 

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